The Giovanelli Sisters enjoy life: “From the frying pan to the grill”
By Brendan Roth
On a sunny Saturday morning, dozens of trucks and vans drive to the highest point in the Renaissance town, quickly transforming into a line of shops three football fields long. Dalla Padella Alla Brace, From the Frying pan to the Grill, seems especially popular with the growing crowd. Part of its appeal is the irresistible aroma of seafood sizzling. But just as big a draw is the twins serving up those treats.
Reviving An Ancient Grain In Le Marche: How One Farmer’s Mission To Commercialize Farro Is Going Against The Grain
By Donovan Eveslage
Massimo Fiorani gazed across a golden field of what looks like wheat he planted months earlier, a stalk of which he cradled lovingly in his arms.
Only that isn’t wheat.
A collection of written and photographed work about the deep history dedication to farro.